Oil the Machine

In all my researching, I have yet to find another nutrient that has been more studied than Omega-3s. When I say Omega-3, I mean the oils that come from fish, chia, flax, hemp, and algae. These oils have an ability to radically change someone’s life. Omega-3s are an essential nutrient that our bodies cannot produce on their own. There is an epidemic in America of Omega-3 deficiency, which causes excess inflammation. The standard American diet is rich in inflammatory oils like cottonseed oil, canola oil, hydrogenated oils, and margarine, which is the fat used to make processed foods. Let’s explore how we can consume Omega-3s in our diet and supplements. Let’s oil the machine.


Balance is key to Omega-3s. Omega-6 in the form of vegetable oils called Linoleic acid, can be very inflammatory when over-consumed. Most diets contain too many Omega-6s and too little Omega-3s. Let’s discuss fish oil, the most famous Omega-3 on the planet!

Fish oil is extracted from many types of fish and then distilled into a pure oil. The fatty acids in fish are called EPA and DHA - these acids are the main components that make up the fatty parts of our brain, skin, hair, and eyes. They are key in transporting nutrients into the cells of the body and have a direct effect on our brain, mood, and memory. Once your Omega-3 levels increase by taking a high quality fish oil supplement, you can experience the following benefits:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy
  • Decreased dry eye
  • Improved memory
  • Improved immune system
  • Improved cholesterol

Foods Rich in Omega-3s


  • This is the most common way we consume Omega 3s. I recommend always getting fresh wild caught fish, as they are lower in toxins from the ocean and produce a cleaner oil.

Chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds

  • These are a plant-based form of Omega-3. These are much lower in the concentration of Omega-3s but you can increase your absorption of them by eating them with a saturated fat like coconut oil or grass fed butter.


  • In the oceans, the fish get their Omega-3 from algae. There are high quality supplements that are made from algae for vegans and vegetarians who want to consume long chain Omega-3s, but don’t consume fish.
  • You can also consume algae like blue green algae, spirluna, and chlorella, which contain a lot of Omega-3s.

I hope I have inspired you to take Omega-3s. No matter why you choose to take them, they are an essential part of our diet. Next week’s blog we will discuss the benefits of the number one herb in China: Goji Berries. Goji berries, sometimes called wolf berries, can radically change your health and well-being, so stay tuned!