What is Frontotemporal Dementia?

Frontotemporal dementia is a group of degenerative diseases that affect the temporal and frontal lobe of the brain. These areas of the brain control language, decision making, behavioral, logic and emotional modulation. FTD develops in the mid 40’s to early 60’s and can last between 3 to 17 years with the average of eight years. The cause of FTD is unknown in most cases, however researchers are beginning to understand the changes in the brain that cause the symptoms of this mysterious disease. Changes such as change in the protein that make up the support of neurons called tau, and mutations of the gene expression causing inclusions (clumps) of TDp-43 and ubiquitin.

There are no known cures or treatments for FTD, although there are current clinical trials to test the effectiveness of promising medications. Learning caretaking techniques, receiving emotional support and adding nutritional supplements is important for dealing with the side effects of Frontotemporal Dementia.

Nutritional Support

When there is no cure, we need to support the body to help the brain. Omega 3s are the most important nutrient in maintaining brain health. There is a class of herbs called nootropics which are brain stimulating and supportive.

Ginkgo Biloba

  • Increases blood flow to the brain.


  • Increases blood flow to the brain and helps your body adapt to stress.

Huperzine A (Qian Ceng Ta)

  • Increases blood flow to the brain.

Di magnesium malate and magtein

  • These are forms of magnesium that can cross the blood brain barrier. This form of magnesium can stimulate nerve regrowth and detoxify aluminum from the brain. This is the most absorbable form of magnesium and is able to cross the blood brain barrier.

Emotional Support

Make sure to have a solid support group.

  • Your family and friends.
  • Church groups.
  • Dementia support groups.
  • Counselor.

This will help your family go through the process of caring for and/or living with someone with FTD.

Caretaking Support

When you are the caretaker of someone with dementia the amount of stress and anxiety you go through can be overwhelming. I encourage you to reach out and find support to help you through this journey.


This disease has personally touched me. My father-in-law currently suffers with this every day. My wife is his caretaker through the day and helped me write this blog. We hope that this will inspire anyone out there to know that we are on the brink of a cure and can help support our loved ones through their journey. Stay strong everyone, and I hope you're strengthened. Stay tuned for the next blog where we will discuss nutritional typing.