General Dentistry

With A Holistic Approach!



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Smile Ranch Dentistry - Holistic Therapies In Dallas, TX

It is our belief that the body is uniquely designed by our Creator and is a gift. We believe we are whole beings and the health of the teeth and mouth are directly connected to the head, neck and entire body. Treating the individual goes far beyond cleaning teeth. Our treatment philosophy is holistic and we prefer natural, minimalistic remedies. Many issues we face in dentistry are controversial and we are transparent in our beliefs and treatment options.

Smile Ranch Dentistry inside of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area practices general dentistry with a focus on holistic therapies, but we go beyond removing dangerous amalgam fillings. We believe in treating the mouth with safe, non-toxic materials and offer removal of heavy metals with safe protocols. Teeth are restored using biocompatible materials that are proven to be both safe and effective. When removing existing amalgams placed by other dentists, we follow safety protocols established by IAOMT to reduce mercury exposure for our patients, staff and doctor. We restore teeth with all porcelain crowns and/or bridges and never restore teeth with heavy metals.

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What Is A Holistic Approach To Dentistry?

A holistic approach to dentistry, also known as a biological approach to dentistry, is the type of dentistry that takes into account the health of the entire body, rather than only considering the health of the teeth and mouth. Holistic therapies are dedicated to removing and avoiding the use of materials considered toxic to human tissue and take extra precautions to ensure that their patients are protected from dangerous materials able to affect the a patient’s overall health. At Smile Ranch Dentistry, we are dedicated to the practice of holistic therapies and pride ourselves in providing our clients with the safest, most beneficial oral care available in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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Holistic Therapies

Homeopathics, ozone therapy, essential oils, and other natural remedies are just a few of the holistic therapies included in Dr. Abramcyzk's plan for patients. Gut health, diet and supplementation are intrinsic parts of the new patient exam.

Dr. Abramcyzk DDS is passionately dedicated to avoiding and removing harmful toxins from the teeth and body. Fluoride, a potent neurotoxin, is never administered and mercury amalgam fillings are removed following a very strict protocol established by IAOMT. Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive element in the world. Dr. Abramczyk educates her patients and recommends appropriate mercury detoxification protocols as well as mercury testing. Depending on the health of the patient, drainage remedies may be initiated prior to mercury removal.

Dr. Abramczyk is also passionate about working with breastfeeding babies. Many babies present to her with tongue and / or lip ties and are struggling to latch properly on mom. If indicated, Dr. Abramczyk releases the tie, or tethered tissue, with a laser. Most moms can feel an immediate difference and babies are given a much greater opportunity to have a long, healthy breastfeeding relationship.

Contact Us for more information about our holistic therapies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

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