What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone is O3, a tri-atomic oxygen particle and is as safe as oxygen when properly administered.

When medical-grade pure oxygen is passed through a corona discharge generator, pure ozone is generated. Ozone can be used in a liquid form (ozonated water) or gas form. When ozone gas is filtered through pure olive oil, it forms an ointment (ozonated olive oil).

Atmospheric O3 quickly conjugates with atmospheric pollutants. Due to this unique characteristic to bind with pollutants, ozone levels are able to measure pollution levels. Ozone is not hazardous; rather, ozone binds with pollutants found in our atmosphere.

The negative charge on ozone searches for and neutralizes anything with a positive charge. “Bad” cells including bacteria, viruses, cancer cells or free radicals typically carry positive charges on their cell membranes. “Good” cells will typically have anti-oxidants on their cell membranes and will deter surface oxygenation.

How is Ozone Therapy used in dentistry?

Periodontal disease: Flushing ozonated water below the gum line and/or ozone gas into the supporting tissues can be used to treat periodontal disease.

Decay: Ozone kills bacteria that cause cavities and because it is a gas, it diffuses and permeates areas below the gum line, into the grooves of teeth and will eliminate bacteria on contact. After ozone therapy effective eradicates bacteria, a filling can be placed. Sometimes, no filling or restoration is necessary if the area is not too deep.

Sensitivity: Ozone gas administered to a sensitive or demineralized area on the tooth can harden compromised tooth structure and effectively eliminate sensitivity.

Safety: Ozone does not have any contraindications with other medications, therefore cross-reactions are not a concern at all. You cannot be allergic to ozone, because you cannot be allergic to oxygen.